Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Registration is open for the Fall Season. Let's get signed up!

Friday, July 24, 2009


I haven't heard back from many of you on short sizes. Anna is between and XS and S, and I am leaning toward small. If I do not hear from you, I will pick the size. If you have already sent me the size then we are good.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Maddie's Party

Thanks to the Charests for having us over to their house for the summer party. The food was great as was the pool and the company.

Hopefully they will have us back again later this summer.


This weekend I had a few of the girls try on the uniforms and the shorts are definitely too big. Plan B is to substitute a cheap Umbro white short temporarily until we can bulk the girls up enough to fit shorts. The human growth hormone should be here shortly. If it is okay with everyone we will just save the other shorts for spring hopefully. I haven't added everything up, but the original kit is in the $52 range and the new shorts should only be another $5 or so. If ANYBODY has objections, let me know and we will work something out.

The shorts we are going to use are the same shorts that most of the girls are wearing now, the checkerboard Umbros, only in white. Since most of you have these style of shorts already at home, please have the girls try them on again and let me know what size they need in the white for the Fall. I will purchase the shorts in one lot. If you do not have these shorts currently, you can go to Dick's sporting goods and have them try a pair on. For reference, Anna will be wearing an XS. The sizes are XXS, XS, S, M, etc... I would imagine that most if not not all the girls will be wearing XS or S.

Please respond with the sizes as soon as possible so that I can pick them up. Thanks.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pics of the Uniforms

Well, here are the pics of the uni's. As you can see the shorts are a bit large, even larger than I thought. Anna is kind of middle of the road in size, so I am afraid these shorts will swallow the smaller girls. I am not sure what to do at this point, but anyways here they are.....

Party with Maddy

I hope everyone got their invitation to party with Maddy at her house next weekend (not this weekend). If you did not, shoot Mel and email and she can give you the details. I am going to email some homework for the girls to start learning about the new fields.

We may also practice for thirty minutes or so before swimming at maddy's. No running around, etc... so no cleats needed or full soccer gear, I would just like to work on throw ins. I encourage parents to participate so they can see what we are doing and work on this stuff at home with the girls. While we may not be able to practice as much as a select team, I think there are things the girls can do at home that will effectively increase their practice time.

Team Uniforms

The team uniforms are in and they look cool, however, I have to explain a bit. In order to get purple I had to make some concessions. Originally I was going to have to go with white jerseys, purple shorts and purple socks. They (Xara) determined that they did not have enough white jerseys, so I had to go with the purple jersey, white short, purple sock combo. The problem with that was that the only white shorts they had were YM. Now we all saw the other shorts that we tried on and I even brought more home to try on Anna and did the best I could with sizing.

I had Anna try on the shorts that we got and they are not too big but they are definitely not small. The waste is perfect. I will dress Anna up in hers and take a picture so everyone can see. I personally like the baggy short look in soccer, but I am not sure if everyone shares my feelings. I hope it works out.